Sitemap - 2022 - Vinay Prasad's Observations and Thoughts

Testing travelers from China is a useless intervention

Avoiding respiratory viruses is a delusion with harmful consequences

Press release: People who skipped COVID19 vaccine are at higher risk of losing fingers and teeth

The Year in Review: 2022

I got COVID19

The Tragedy of Oncology

Latest MMWR analysis of bivalent booster is irredeemably flawed

Long COVID kills? That's still unproven

Do unvaccinated people need to be counseled to drive slower?

Why No one Wants to Match into Infectious Diseases

Long COVID in Children and Young Adults

Crazy, anti-science masking

Long COVID vs Long URI

Quitting vs Grit

Why is news coverage of Elon Musk's Twitter always negative?

STAT's ID experts are not good thinkers

Bob Califf's tweets as commissioner of the US FDA are problematic

Science is still in its infancy: a few simple randomized trials could save us

We need to strip CDC and Public Health of Powers

Pandemic accountability

Elon buys Twitter: Good!

Biden's Bivalent Booster Blunder

Democrats' COVID policy decisions will hurt them


Infectious disease 'experts'

We are soon going to treat COVID19 the way we treated the flu in 2007, as part of life

The opposite of crazy isn't institutionalism, it's reason and evidence

2022 is not the year to sniff Yankee Candles

Students get NYU Prof cancelled after getting bad grades

Joe Rogan/ Mark Zuckerberg: The Interview

If you are in charge of White House's COVID policy, you need to know the difference between bad science and good science

Offered without comment

I am going to mask because I want to get fewer colds & other flawed ideas

Bizzare tweets reveal anxious/ magical thinking minds

Two divorced parents can't decide on kids vaccination

Anthony Fauci still won't admit that prolonged school closures- fueled by his rhetoric- was bad policy

Normalizing vaccine induced myocarditis is not good medicine nor public health

The Bangladesh Mask Trial is re-analyzed and it falls apart

When scientists' anxiety disorder interferes with other people's lives

A good doctor and researcher makes a factual statement, at his peril

The White House Needs New COVID Advisors

Additional thoughts on legitimizing irrational anxiety

Thoughts on teaching

Diary from a Multiple Myeloma Conference

In Medicine: You Have to Prove Your Intervention Helps

How many kids have to mask to prevent a case of Monkeypox

Fauci Retires

Cops called on a 4 year old for the crime of going unmasked

A new mask study is poised to affect Boston area children

What does the Thailand Myocarditis Study Teach Us?

Zealotry and fundamentalism are a problem

Another bad CDC study on Long COVID in Kids

A few thoughts on getting promoted

Does science matter? White House COVID Czar pushes flawed study

ID Epidemiologist sets the record straight

A Medical Student's Thoughts During COVID-19: Crazy Policies

Djokovic not playing in the US open shows how public health failed

Methods Matter: An Analysis of NEJM's Singapore Study Claiming Benefits of Vaccines in Kids 5-11

Kids vaccine is low risk either way

Fauci will step down by 2025

Who is to blame if your child gets COVID19?

Tear down all the plexiglass

Cursing people when you get COVID is poor form

Los angeles mask mandate

Zoom learning is terrible; For medicine, it's even worse

A second booster for people <50

How many of our current problems are due to COVID-19 policy vs. the virus itself vs. unrelated

Important revelations with Paul Offit

The future of endemic Covid-19

Fourth of July and Political Opponents

A doctor apologizes for not wearing a mask when it was not required

Time to break all home Covid tests

Guest post: A virologist reflects on COVID 19

Criticizing the Young Oncology Critics

Boycotting is virtue signalling for losers

A checklist for COVID policy

If someone you live with gets sick, what should you do?

Roe v Wade

Stop testing kids

Lies and Exaggerations re: Kids Vax are Bad Public Health

Kids vaccine for under 5 years old

Fauci has COVID. Kids vax gets vote. & More

Will Healthcare Workers Mask Forever?

Perpetual covid restrictions?

Biden drops pre-departure testing, NYC drops toddler masking, and more...

Idea Theft & Failure to Cite

Interview with Lilia Cortina, Ph.D.

White House's Jha Spreads Misinformation about COVID & Kids

Pro-Masking Doctors Are Often Hypocrites

The Best Argument Public Health Should be Stripped of Power is The CDC Ran Zero Cluster RCTs

Memorial Day Travel: Experts vs. Americans


No, Seatbelts are not like a Covid19 booster shot in kids 5 to 11

I won't wear an n95 alone in my office

Politicians should not manage drug and vaccine regulation

What Netflix can teach Universities

Doctor blunders

Mental health in kids and COVID 19

China: Why?

Regulatory scientists are quiet about EUA, kids vax, Paxlovid and boosters

Twitter censors Eli Klein

The real misinformation was COVIDZero

Public health has fragmented trust

President Obama wants Big Tech to stop misinformation

Things the CDC does not know

TSA mask mandate

We are doomed: attacks on Leana Wen and Monica Gandhi

Judge strikes down TSA mask mandate

LongCovid: Can it be avoided?

Fringe elements

Saturday videos

Is it Better to get COVID 4 times than 5?

Designed to fail

Lessons from the Gridiron dinner

NYC's Toddlers Only Mask Mandate is Bad Policy

As ZeroCovid proponents get Covid, when will we reach herd sanity?

CDC's method underestimates Vaccine Induced Myocarditis

The Hypocrisy of Medical Experts

Accountability, not vengeance

If a few more people choose to wear masks, we will increase protection to the immunocompromised person wearing an n95 in our ranks...

A new paper on vaccination in kids...

A New Preprint Proves 4th doses Save Lives!

The White House is now your doctor!

An unethical proposal from an.... ethicist?

Cases might rise soon. "We better close schools/ mask up, " says worst policy makers ever

You get a yearly flu shot, so a 4th dose, heck even a yearly covid shot, is no big deal

How dare an economics professor say something.... correct and hard to argue with

A 4th dose?

Kyrie Irving and decline in trust of public health

When COVID cases climb

Michigan State's Policy: Masks in Class Not in Stadiums

The silent majority

OncoAlert's Virtue Signaling Hurts Cancer Patients

Colleges and Universities Must Join Push for Normal

Public health needs restrictions

A new health affairs paper "proves" mask mandates slow covid-19

Long term cardiovascular complications of COVID

Kids vax 6mo to 4 years

What happens when cases go up?

Mask studies reach a new scientific low point

The Bias of Experience

A little gem

A new paper claims kids masking associated with more daycare: Truth or Fiction?

Weathervanes: harmful COVID19 pundits

President Biden, we know you can’t “end the pandemic” medically; we want you to end it socially.

Overdiagnosis and overtesting

Tracy Beth Hoeg, MD PhD: The Interview

We could have had less lockdowns, but we could not have had more

Anthony LaMesa: The interview

Omicron struck down vaccine mandates; Not the Supreme Court

CDC director almost admits their policy has failed

Vaccine effectiveness (against infection not severe disease) goes down the drain

Will Science do better post COVID19?

Does COVID19 cause diabetes in kids?

Testing won’t save us

Dishonesty about masking kids results in insanity

Silly things people say about covid 19

The disconnect between twitter and real life

Should you wear an n95/kn95/kf94?