Dejavú over and over again with all these miracle studies

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Kind of makes one think that long-covid, at least sometimes, is imaginary, no?

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Who is funding the great Dr. Topol?

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

What exactly is long covid anyway? Is it the same thing as long lyme disease (eg. tick bites in mid winter while shoveling 3 feet of snow), heavy metal poisoning, MMR vaccinations, anesthesia, and mild bumps to the head? This study makes me think it is exactly these things.

Are we to really believe he believes what he is writing? To me, for people like Fauci and Topol to intentionally make people crazy with lies is criminal conduct. Yet its amazing that that is exactly what they accuse those who disagree with them of doing - the BS is multilayered here.

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Golly! If only the vaccine would work to stop the Long Covid sx I have that predate Covid! Being a woman of a certain age...night sweats, flushes, trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, etc. Maybe I should get a booster!!!! (And I have NEVER had CoVid--at least according to antibody tests.)

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Bill Maher is right. The ROT is the academia. "But on the left, there is a rot, and it comes from academia, and it filters down. Am I wrong about that? That’s where it’s all coming from."

Where have all the sane people gone?

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Wow, this must be the reason that the two men I know who are suffering from heart damage after vaccination are always encouraged to get another shot when they're hospitalized! When they refuse and their conditions don't improve, it will likely be the result of not taking additional shots.

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Eric Topol is a patented liar. Fauci and his colleagues state in a Perspective paper published January 2023 that the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn't cause viremia, that is it doesn't leave the respiratory tract. This is typical for all viruses that only infect the respiratory tract. Hence, all stories about Long COVID are fake. https://www.cell.com/cell-host-microbe/fulltext/S1931-3128(22)00572-8

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I don't contend that he is "providing misinformation" intentionally. He is obviously a smart computer scientist, important technology inventor, and a successful, wealthy business person but he is neither a trained epidemiologist nor medical doctor nor virologist. I contend that he should enlist formally one or more orthodox, experienced epidemiologists, of national reputation and standing, to examine severely, independently, and in depth his various data analyses if he wishes to ultimately carry the day with his continuing, astounding claims (which are disturbing to say the very least as they may well be valid). That's hardly "making a circular argument". I salute his enthusiasm at pursuing all of this stuff with zeal, yet a crucial weakness that seems to haunt practically every data analysis to date (i.e. in general, comparing vaccinated to non-vaccinated persons with regard to some outcome that did or did not happen) is that the issue of concealed confounding persists throughout. That's a well-studied, annoying, sneaky, and recognized phenomenon that poses hazards every time observational data sets are "probed" to detect this or that association. I won't worry about Kirsch when multiple, bona fide epidemiologists "get on board" with him in the one way that counts: Namely, via co-authorship with him in the peer-reviewed literature of epidemiology. Until that happens, there is a real risk that his aims will remain frustrated. In my opinion, that would be a shame.

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Topol is a deep disappointment. GOOHL (going out of his lane) is an ongoing diagnosis for his apparently incurable condition. Now Vinay, when are you going to focus the blowtorch on the recent flurry of stuff being put up by this wizard Steve Kirsch? A guy with zero medical training getting enormous publicity because (I'm guessing here) he is (a) wealthy and (b) likes to yammer and yelp about this and that in the area of COVID epidemiology. His hobby horse is the highly inflammatory thesis that mRNA Vaccines Are Killing Patients and he is convinced of this based on observational data crudely submitted to various kinds of computational Kung Fu. Please Vinay, fire up the blowtorch and go after Kirsch. Thank yew.

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Hey Dr Prasad, I linked your less than effusive four letter praise for remdesivir in my article on med school financial corruption, you might get a kick out of it:



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Hi Vinay, what do you think of this study? https://ctri.wisc.edu/2022/08/30/nicotine-patch-lozenge-or-gum-during-covid-19-hospitalization-may-reduce-mortality-for-those-who-smoke/ I wonder if nicotine could work to know “long Covid”?

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Topol is a total tool.

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He’s been pretty consistent. I learned not to bother looking at his stuff some time ago; unfortunately, not everyone knows that!

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And we are getting stupider and stupider. It’s starting to hurt.

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I think “long Covid” is a ghost much like Epstein Barr back in the day. Or even the old dumpster diagnosis of fibromyalgia. A catch all that’s over-diagnosed and makes an accurate diagnosis harder to treat.

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