Can we get Fauci to pay his fair share?

I'm tired of public officials passing laws that we all know are a horrible idea and then the lawsuits are paid for by the tax-payers who wrote in and asked for the laws not to be passed. It's time for public officials to be accountable to what they pass and what they pressure people to do.

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Respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice are the four pillars of medical ethics. During my early career in academics, these were the principles that I taught my medical students on their first day of training. In every situation, treating patients needs to be viewed through the lens of these four pillars. The respect for autonomy is why physicians who treat patients have traditionally been at the forefront in the rejection of mandates. As Dr. Prasad says, the bar must be very high with regard to benefit and evidence to negate the patient’s autonomy.

COVID-19 seemed to flip the script on this tenet. In fact myself, and the few colleagues who dared speak out against mandates have been vilified, and many careers have been ruined. It became the norm to advocate for vaccine mandates even and especially by medical doctors.

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I need the penalty to be HUGE. I actually want a MASSIVE MASSIVE HUUUUGE class action law suit for every college that mandated the vaccine. It'll never happen, but one can dream.

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While I agree, this article is written from the "the government did bad, bad things in spite of the opposition of many/most of the people. So let us charge those people even more of their hard-earned dollars to make someone they do not know whole because...ethics". This whole debacle was unethical and, frankly, until someone pays the piper for this personally (yes, I am looking at those managing the entire political and health apparatus) I have no interest in covering for their malfeasances, as badly as I feel for those fired.

And what about those who were not fired but whose advancement was imperiled or who were so ostracized that they now have serious mental health effects? Whose families rejected them based on governmental malfeasance? How do we compensate them?

There is a much bigger lift to be done here than just making those inappropriately fired somewhat more whole (at my expense). Until that lift can be faced and dealt with, these good thoughts have mostly missed the point.

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I'd love to see WA governor Jay Inslee give back pay to the unvaxxed folks he fired. I'm not holding my breath, though.

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Without accountability, there’s no recourse. There has to be consequences to those public health policy makers. Those locally who carried out these bequests also need to be held accountable. They must apologize and restituye those harmed by these mandates. This also applies to hospitals, their administrators and chief medical officers who enforced these mandates. Instead, they became Fauci’s lap dogs.

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Sadly in the clown, upside down in which we now live , I won’t hold my breath that such honor or ethics will be acknowledged by public health. Particularly in Canada, which is in a rather hopeless / captured state

Our union rulings to date have offered largely nothing but endorsement of these dangerous slippery slope mandates ….. the masses say nothing despite mounting surgical lists, wait times, closed ERs etc all while experienced fired healthcare workers sit at home or work in grocery stores.

Im normally a very positive person but I fear The feeble minded and media hoodwinked are too far gone to ever restore any semblance of reason or logic

Truly hope the USA can awaken to this and that justice will be served

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How about the up coming revisions to the WHO global treaty, which might in the end include more loss of freedoms for all 194 member states ? (https://www.who.int/news/item/03-03-2023-countries-begin-negotiations-on-global-agreement-to-protect-world-from-future-pandemic-emergencies)

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What about rolling back vaccine mandates that are STILL in place after demonstrably showing there is little community benefit for the vaccines at this point.

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It would be lovely if private corporations were forced or shamed into reinstating those fired for refusing the covid vax, and required to pay. But in reality, the taxpayers will be footing the bill. As Dr. Prasad notes, the CDC set the stage and the current administration forced the issue. Thus even non-public employers were acting under the direction of the government and the CDC. So those responsible (Walensky, Fauci, et al) will walk away with outrageous pensions and zero accountability and the taxpayers will be stuck paying the bill for all the wrongdoing.

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What we witnessed sine late 2020 was agency capture on multiple levels, including the AMA. Nothing was evidence based. The vast majority of studies on vaccine mandates looked at increased uptake but not clinical impact. Did forcing the vaccine on people decrease rates of infection? No one answered that question until Mercatus Institute did an analysis looking at city level vaccine mandate measures of uptake and infection rates. There was no difference. People were vilified, fired, and essentially persecuted for no good reason. The data became clear early on that vaccination was a personal choice as VP states. Returning people to whole is the right thing to do and those “experts” and politicians who foisted mandates upon the populace should be made to apologize then voted out of office.


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Spot on

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It's about time that they paid back people that were coersed to take the leathal injection God bless

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If we only had a spare $100 billion we could use to compensate the vaccine injured (including mandates)...unfortunately that magnitude of $$ has to run through the DoD and it’s current laundromat...Ukraine.

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Many of the schools that are involved are governmental institutions. They will just raise our taxes, spit in our eye and make the rehires lives miserable. It has to be more...it really does. Probably works better for the for-profit companies, though, if they have to bear the brunt. Of course, as we learned today, there was over $20B given to the top handful of hospitals to "tide them through" covid -- and most have never made such money. So far exactly two have repaid anything. The rest -- I predict we never see it. Once again, your tax dollars NOT at work.

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The fact that the vaccines didn't stop transmission never really got any ground. There are still probably people today who believe it stops transmission. People equaled the COVID vaccines with successful vaccination programs of the past (smallpox, polio, etc.), not realizing the vast differences.

To quote the NIH recently: "Unlike the respiratory viruses that cause measles, mumps and rubella—for which vaccination or recovery from illness provides decades-long protection against future infection—flu, RSV, SARS-CoV-2 and “common cold” coronaviruses share several characteristics that enable them to cause repeated re-infections. These include very short incubation periods, rapid host-to-host transmission and replication in the nasal mucosa rather than throughout the body. This last feature—non-systemic replication—means these viruses do not stimulate the full force of the adaptive immune response, which typically takes a week or more to mount."

In the end, we cannot avoid looking at the vested interest as having a remarkably strong effect in this vaccination campaign. The pharma PR machine was in full swing, and just as many, many times in the past, they controlled the narrative so that speaking up against it labeled one "anti-science". It's brilliant and more than a bit disturbing.

The ultimate failing was the inability of the general populace - and the "professionals" - to recognize that a similarity is not an identity.

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